Hair Transplant Turkey

Does The Graft Number Effect The Hair Transplant Costs?

Hair transplant has become more of a necessity rather than a luxury amongst people facing hair problems like receding hairline, hair thinning, hair loss, or patchy hair to resolve these issues there are many hair treatment options available today. The most preferred hair loss treatment is a hair transplant. This is because hair transplants offer the best results, and the result is permanent. Many hair treatments can solve hair problems temporarily, but a surgical hair transplant is trusted and effective. Continue reading to learn more about hair transplant costs.

The most widely used hair transplant procedures are the FUE hair transplant method and the DHI. These hair transplant procedures are surgical and they cost higher as compared to other hair treatments. And why not, they are effective and provide better results than other treatments. Hair transplant costs are not negligible and are typically around the same sum throughout Europe. However, a hair transplant in Turkey would be the best option as the procedure costs are low in Turkey when compared to the general cost around the world. 

What are the things that you should pay for?

Many medical tourism facilitators present the hair transplant procedure in the form of a package. Hair transplant packages usually include the cost of the surgery, the type of surgeon, a translator service, accommodation, and transfer services. Many clinics also include a post-op care service in the package. Let’s have a look at the elements that contribute to the package price. The main factor that has an impact on the price is the surgeon and type of treatment. For some medical institutions, the amount of hair to be transplanted or the number of grafts has an impact on the cost of the treatment as well. 


The first important thing is the surgeon’s experience and qualifications. If you are interested in having hair transplantation, do good research about the profile of the performing surgeon when choosing a clinic. It is not recommended that patients choose a clinic with an inexperienced and unqualified surgeon just because the cost of the hair transplant procedure is cheaper. 

The second thing that largely adds up to the cost of the treatment, is the type of hair transplant. The FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) is the least expensive, however, it is generally not in use anymore. FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction) is an affordable and scarless treatment. If Sapphire blades are used for the surgery it may increase the cost of a hair transplant package. Because this is a premium option within the treatment plan.

The DHI (Direct Hair Implantation) technique is also a good alternative, and it is more expensive than FUE hair transplant. DHI technique costs more since a special Choi Pen is used for the procedure. The Choi Pen is an expensive implanting tool that provides quality, precise results. 

The Graft Number

The last and most confusing thing is the graft number. Normally the number of grafts should not affect the price of a package unless you have a special case. However, some clinics calculate the hair transplant cost based on the number of grafts transplanted to maximize their profit. These clinics might overestimate the number of grafts you need just so that they can charge more. So, find a medical institution with an experienced surgeon who won’t levy unnecessary charges and does not calculate the cost of the treatment on the number of grafts implanted.

There are a few things that are included in the overall cost of the treatment or the package a medical institution offers. But graft numbers should not be one of them. However, for some specialized medical institutions and special cases, the graft number can be brought into account when calculating the hair transplant costs.

What are the elements that are a part of the hair transplant costs?

Many unnecessary expenses can be avoided if proper research is done. In today’s world, some medical institutions see treatments as business opportunities from which they wish to profit. However, there are some genuine expenses that a patient willing to get a hair transplant has to bear. 

Things that are a part of the overall treatment are:

  • SurgeonAn An experienced and renowned surgeon is considered to be the best when talking about hair transplants specifically. The cost of an experienced surgeon may also be relatively high.
  • Hair transplant procedureThe hair transplant technique is a major contributor to the cost of the treatment. 
  • Travel ExpensesIf the location of the procedure is far from your locality then expenses like, flight tickets, visa, or local commuting may occur. 
  • Geographic LocationThe location where you wish to get the hair transplant done also has a good effect on the cost of the procedure. Choosing Turkey is a smart decision.
sule clinic the best hair transplant

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